The words of the LORD are pure words. —Psalm 12:6a

Faithful Translations

Faithful Translations

In part four of the Our Beliefs series, we discussed how God has promised to keep his very words in the mouth of his people. He promised not just to preserve his written words, but to preserve them in a form that his people can speak and understand. Through his Spirit within his servants, he guides the process of translation so that…

Faithful Translations: English

In a previous post we’ve considered principles that we can use to identify whether a translation of the scriptures is pure and faithful. In this post we’ll use these principles to determine which translation is God’s pure and perfect words in English. There are hundreds of translations into Modern English, and attempting to examine all of them would be tedious indeed, if…

Modernizing the English Bible?

In a previous post, we considered all of the different Modern English translations of the pure text of the scriptures, and concluded that the King James Bible is the pure and faithful word of God in English. However, it was translated in 1611, over 400 years ago, and so naturally its language it not entirely familiar to the modern reader. And so…