The words of the LORD are pure words. —Psalm 12:6a

Complete Lesson Audio Now Available

I have been working on getting the audio for the final lessons on Psalms 1-11 recorded and posted over the last few months. Now it is finally done! I posted the last lesson a few weeks ago. You can now find the complete audio (and notes/transcript) of my teaching on the first 15 Psalms here.

I will likely study through more of the Psalms in the future, but I have no immediate plans to do so. (I have recently completed a study on the book of James, and haven't decided yet what to study next.) I will, however, be continuing to publish articles on this blog. I am planning to do a series summarizing each of the Psalms that I've studied so far in the near future, in addition to many other articles that are currently in the works. So stay tuned!


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